Mr. Ethen O’Campo
College 4
St. Joachim (Costa Mesa)
November 14th
Professional Skateboarder
Los Angeles Lakers
I was born in Glendale, California on November 14th, 2000. I am the oldest of four siblings, and I grew up in Dana Point and graduated from online schooling. I am heavily involved within the youth ministry, S.U.R.F (Serving Under our Rightful Father) at my home parish, St. Edward the Confessor in Dana Point.
What are some of the factors that led to your decision to enter the seminary and discern the question of a vocation to the priesthood?
At the age of two I was diagnosed with severe Aortic Stenosis which meant that not enough blood was flowing through my body, which pushed my heart extra hard to provide blood. One night I had a dream and within the dream I heard the words “Give yourself up to me and I will heal you.” At the age of nine I was scheduled to have a major heart operation, although when I went in a week prior to get confirmation results, I found out that my condition had suddenly changed from very severe to very mild and it was at this point that I had remembered my dream from sometime ago and decided that I would give myself up to God to serve him in anyway possible.
Who are some of the people who influenced your decision to enter the seminary? What is it about them that assisted you?
Some people that have influenced me along the way were my parents, as they have always encouraged me to pursue what is faithful to God and have been excellent examples in being good stewards of our Lord in my life. One other person that has influenced me has been my youth minister, Laura Schuberg. Her enthusiasm for being involved within the youth setting at a parish has always been something so beautiful in my eyes.
Describe the moment that you knew you wanted to take the next steps to become a priest?
As soon as I heard the words from my cardiologist that “maybe you had more people praying for you than you had imagined.” I was overwhelmed with this sense of joy and gratefulness to our Lord for granting me this miracle.