
California Catholic Conference Statement: the President’s Order on Religious Liberty

May 05, 2017 at 4:07 am

    Statement by Edward “Ned” Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference on the issuance today of an Executive Order on religious liberty by President Trump:

     “The President’s Executive Order reflects the pressing need to conduct a serious, non-partisan dialogue on the issues facing people of faith in this nation.  California’s political dynamics have presented challenges on this front for many years. 

     “The freedom to remain faithful to our religious beliefs is a cherished First Amendment protection. Yet Constitutional and regulatory challenges, on both the Federal and State level, continue to threaten the ability of individuals, churches and faith-based organizations to provide services to those in need and promote the common good of us all.  We look forward to a rich and respectful conversation on how the long-held constitutional rights of faith-based organizations are protected in today’s diverse society.”