Exciting News!!
2025 Missionary Cooperation Plan online application portal is now available on mobile and desktop devices!
View MCP+ Mobile App User Guide
Be prepared with the documents you will need to apply:
- Bishop letter or superior letter of support
- Testimonial form for priest and non-priest: Download Form
- Payment information sheet
- W9 is requred for any checks being mailed to a U.S.A. Address
- Bank letterhead required for international wires
- Any reports, pictures and project budgets for appeal requests
Every summer missionaries from dioceses, religious orders, and other missionary organizations serving those most in need are invited to come share their mission stories and experiences at our parishes. Their appeals provide an opportunity to gain prayerful and financial support for their projects while also providing parishioners with the opportunity to experience and participate in their baptismal call to Mission.
If you have questions, please call our office: (714) 282-3031
Contact us
Greg Walgenbach, Director of Mission Office
Lourdes Leon, Mission Office Program Coordinator
Diocese of Orange
13280 Chapman Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92840