Ministry to Priests

Mission Statement

The Ministry to Priests Office supports priests in their lifelong process of ongoing formation and calls priests to attend to their spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral development for their own well-being so they can provide the best possible service to the people of God.

General Description

The Ministry to Priests Office provides pastoral service to all incardinated priests of the Diocese of Orange.
Additionally, and as they request it, the ministry’s service extends to extern and religious priests engaged in
ministry in the Diocese.

Who We Serve

  • The priests of the Diocese of Orange – active, disabled and retired

What We Provide

  • Spiritual formation including retreats and days of prayer
  • Human formation including intergenerational and age group convocations, support groups, priest mentors,
    workshops and individual counseling
  • Intellectual formation including graduate studies, language studies, study days, seminars, and sabbaticals
  • Pastoral formation including a newly ordained priest program, a new pastor and administrator program, and
    skills workshops and seminars
  • Services for retired priests
  • Pastoral support and assistance in times of illness or other times of need
