The Diocese of Orange has developed a process for Presenter Clearance to support your parish in the demanding and time-consuming task of vetting and approving proposed speakers. Our goal is to ensure that all presenters:
- are adequately prepared,
- have appropriate qualifications and
- have completed the requirements necessary for the protection of minors.
This process is required for any presenter who is invited to speak on matters of faith and morals at parish events or meetings in our diocese. Such presenters include individuals who teach about the Bible, Catholic Morality, Sacraments, Spirituality or similar topics. Those who provide musical entertainment or simply give a personal witness talk are not required to complete this process.
The database is now ready for use. It can be located at: The database includes:
- Names of qualified presenters who have been cleared by diocesan offices.
- Presenters’ expertise or areas of specialty.
- Date that clearance was granted and when it will expire.
This resource will help you to verify the clearance of any presenter. It can also be used as a resource for identifying approved and qualified speakers for your consideration.
Please share this information with faith formation professionals and appropriate leaders within your parish community. Thank you for your ministry and your collaboration.
Guest presenters (speakers) must receive clearance prior to speaking at parishes and other events within the Diocese of Orange. This process is to be completed before a contract or agreement with presenter is signed. Please complete this process and receive clearance before finalizing any contractual agreements (meeting space, retreat center, arena, food). This same procedure applies to individuals from the Diocese of Orange who are requesting a Letter of Good Standing in order to make presentations in other dioceses.
Please submit completed packets 4 weeks prior to the event.
Send all documentation to: [email protected] or mail to:
Diocese of Orange Pastoral Center— Parish Evangelization and Faith Formation Office
Katie Dawson, Director
Attn: Presenter Clearance
13280 Chapman Avenue — Garden Grove, CA 92840
STEP ONE: Provide presentation details, to include all of the following:
- Date and location of presentation
- Topic
- Outline or summary of presentation
- Email or written permission of the pastor where presentation will take place
- Name and email of parish contact/coordinator
STEP TWO: Presenters provide current Curriculum Vitæ to include name, address, phone number, email address, place of employment, education, professional ministerial experience, and a list of all published writings.
STEP THREE: Presenters provide name of Bishop and Diocese where presenter resides, parish where presenter is registered, and a letter of good standing:
- Priests and Deacons – letter from their bishop.
- Religious – letter from their major superior.
- Lay person – letter from their bishop or pastor.
STEP FOUR: If children or teens are to be present:
- Presenter must provide proof of completion for a safe environment program such as Shield the Vulnerable, Praesidium, Virtus, or any other recognized safe environment training for adults or equivalent (no more than 4 years expired)
- Presenter must provide a letter (hard copy or electronic) from his/her (Arch)diocesan Safe Environment Office confirming background screening clearance
STEP FIVE (optional): If presenter would like to be included in the online Presenters Clearance Database, please fill out the Presenter Database Profile Form.
STEP SIX: Diocesan Offices will review all submitted documents, verify credentials and communicate the results of review and/or approval within two weeks after receipt of completed application packet. If we are not able to respond within this time frame, the appropriate diocesan office will communicate this to the designated contact person at the applicant parish.
To find this and additional information visit