For March, we will be featuring Rich Pintang, host of The Catholic Dadcast. He will explore what it truly means to be a father of faith through stories, biblical references, and teachings of the Church.
How can we gain a deeper appreciation for fathers and father figures? How do we cultivate a passion for fatherhood that is rooted in love, sacrifice, and commitment to the family? How do we encourage men to establish and develop a strong relationship with God? These are few of the questions Rich will address to exhort men as fathers, husbands, and leaders Christ calls them to be.
Join us on
March 7 as we explore the dignity, beauty, and grace-filled vocation of fatherhood and set the world ablaze together with the Holy Spirit 🔥🔥🔥
Ticket or RSVP info here.
Email Louie Calma for more information.