Encountering Christ in the Hebrew Prophets: Summer Scripture Study

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Encountering Christ in the Hebrew Prophets: Summer Scripture Study

Presented by Fr. Timothy Peters, professor of Biblical Theology Where: Holy Spirit Church, Fountain Valley, CA When: every Monday ‒ from 9:35 p.m. – 10:35 a.m.

June 12th – Isaiah Part I ‒ The Promise of a Future King – This presentation will cover the first 12 chapters Isaiah’s Great Prophecy which focuses on the destruction of the Northern Kingdom known as Israel and the Promise of a future Davidic King who will bring restoration and salvation. The Church places special emphasis on these chapters during Advent and Christmas.

June 19th ‒ Isaiah Part II ‒ The Promise of Complete Restoration ‒ Many Church Fathers referred to Isaiah as the ‘5th Gospel’ because it so eloquently underlined and express the great hope for Zion’s future renewal and restoration. The Gospels frequently make allusion to these chapters (Isa 40‒66), because they underline that Zion’s sins will be forgiven and that she will rejoice when her sins are forgiven and children are restored to her.

June 26th ‒ Jeremiah I ‒ A Prophet who was rejected by his people ‒ The sufferings and rejection of the prophet Jeremiah foreshadow the sufferings and rejection of Christ. Indeed, through Jeremiah’s trials we can better grasp the fundamental significance of prophecy and the prophetic vocation. When you study how faithfully Jeremiah delt with his trials you will be motivated to more courageously turn to the Lord in the midst of your own trials and tribulation.

July 3rd ‒ Jeremiah II ‒ Jerusalem’s destruction and restoration ‒ The prophets often spoke first about the Lord’s judgement and then they turned to the future promise of restoration. This is one of the keys to understanding the ministries of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many other prophets. Accordingly, Jeremiah speaks of Jerusalem’s restoration one year before the city was destroyed, something that seemed unimaginable when he uttered his prophecy.

July 10th ‒ Ezekiel I ‒ The visions and prophecies of the prophet Ezekiel ‒ Ezekiel recounts some of the most extraordinary visions in all of scripture and his prophecies influenced other biblical books, especially the book of Revelation. This presentation will help you to better understand the significance of His visions and also comprehend how they prepare for the coming of a future King known as ‘My servant David’ (Ezek 34:22‒28; 37:23‒28).

July 17th ‒ Hosea ‒ A Marriage That will bring renewal to all of Creation ‒ No book of the bible can provoke more questions that the book of Hosea, especially Hosea’s marriage to Gomer. However, just as the Lord renewed what appeared to be the world’s most unthinkable marriage, so the Lord promised to make a new covenant with His people, a covenant that is likened to a sacred marriage which will bring renewal not Just to Israel, but to all of creation.

1—Encountering Jesus in the Gospels of Mark and John: Summer Scripture Study

Presented by Fr. Timothy Peters, professor of Biblical Theology at Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo, CA. Where: Saint Martin de Porres Church Yorba Linda

When: Thursdays from 7 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

-The Gospel of Mark

June 15th and June 22nd – Keys to understanding Jesus’ journey to the Cross in the Gospel of Mark. We will speak about Jesus’ identity, discipleship and the important narrative nuances in Mark’s Gospel that everyone should know.

-The Gospel of John

June 29th and July 6th – John’s Gospel, understanding the book of signs (1-11) and the book of glory (12-19, 20-21) in John’s Gospel. we will discuss, John’s use of numbers, symbols, theology and the background in the Hebrew Scriptures.

2—A Journey through the Acts of the Apostles With Fr. Tim Peters S.Th.D.

Where: Saint John Neuman Church, Irvine CA,

When: Wednesdays – June 14, 21, 28. July 5, 12.

-Each presentation will run from: 6:45 p.m. – 8 p.m.

-Come join us as we walk through the Acts of the Apostles and discover how the Holy Spirit worked in the early Church.

-Key themes in this presentation.

– The work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church.

– Preaching the Gospel in the mists of persecution.

– The special role of the Apostles.

– The first deacons.

– The first church counsel in Jerusalem.

– Paul’s missionary journeys.

– Paul’s trail and his defense.

– The mission to the gentiles.

3—Una Jornada a través de las Cartas de San Pablo

– con Padre Tim Peters

Immaculate Mary Church, Santa Ana, CA

Fechas y Temas

Martes – Section A&B – salón parroquial – 7:45-8:45 p.m.

– Martes – Junio 13 – La Carta de San Pablo a los Romanos – – El don de la Salvación

– Martes – Junio 20 – La Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios – – mensaje de la Cruz

– Martes – Junio 27 – La Carta de San Pablo a los Gálatas – – los frutos del Espíritu Santo

Lunes – Julio Section A – salón parroquial – 7:45-8:45 p.m.

– Lunes – Julio 3 – La Carta de San Pablo a los Efesios – – El matrimonio en Jesucristo

– Lunes – Julio 10 – La Carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses – – El Reinado eterno del Cristo

– Sábado – Julio 8 – Retiro para la comunidad – salón parroquial – – 8:30 p.m. – 12:15 p.m.

– – Tema – la Carta a los Hebreos – el sacrificio de Jesucristo como el sumo sacerdote en la nueva y eterna alianza


Jun 06 2023

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Date: Jun 06 - 07 2023
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