Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the nature of the Christian life is to be on “mission”, which is certainly to be found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council and especially in the writings of Saints Pope Paul VI and John Paul II. Now more than ever, as those entrusted with the mysteries of God, and with positions of responsibility in the life, teaching and worship of the Church, we must be clear about this Mission of the Church, giving witness to Jesus among us, living His Gospel message of love, humility and charity, and inviting “all nations” to become disciples of Him.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in christ,
The nature of the Christian life is to be on “misssion”, which is certainly to be found in the documents of the Second Vatican Councile and especially in the writings of Saint Pope Paul VI nad John Paul II. Now more than ever, as those entrusted with the mysteries of God, and with positions of the responsibility in the life, teaching and worship of the Church, we must be clear about this Mission of the Church, giving witness to Jesus among us, Living His Gospel message of love, humility and charity, and inviting “all nations” to become disciples of Him.”