Vote "No" on Prop 1

Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars.
Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation, but with reasonable limits on late-term abortions — which will still be allowed without the amendment for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit.
California does not limit state spending on abortion, and with thousands more traveling from other states, the cost will be in the hundreds of millions. Don’t hand lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortions, and don’t let them make California an “abortion sanctuary.”
This November, Vote “No” On Prop 1

(Ad paid for by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, a corporate sole.)